My meal prep archive
Meal prep 4-24-22. Breakfast burritos, Tuna pasta salad, and Chicken soup.
Meal prep 05-01-22. Frittata, Cobb salad, and Mushroom Rice
Meal prep 05-08-22. Yogurt, egg roll in a bowl, and spinach curry
Meal prep 05-15-22. Yogurt, chicken-salad salad, and goulash
Meal prep 05-22-22. Yogurt, chicken peanut salad, shrimp curry, and homemade pickles
Meal prep 05-29-22. Yogurt, General Tso chickpeas, semur tahu
Meal prep 06-19-22. Smoothie, stir-fry, cauliflower soup, nutritional yeast pasta
Meal Prep 8-14-22. Breakfast sandwich, mixed-kid garbage plate, pasta bake
Meal Prep 9-24. Beef and spinach bowl, macaroni bake
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